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Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is 11 digit alphanumeric code to uniquely identify a bank branch of participating in electronic funds transfer systems developed by Reserve Bank of India(RBI). IFSC Code is used in electronic funs transfer systems like Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), and Centralised Funds Management System (CFMS) systems. IFSC codes are issued to all bank branches in India by Reserve Bank of India. You can list of ifsc code with bank branches participating in NEFT/RTGS/CFMS at or RBI websites.
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) code is used for processing and clearance of cheques and other documents in India. It uses character recognition technology for cheque clearing. MICR code is encoded as MICR line located at the bottom of cheque or other bank voucher. MICR line includes document type indicator, bank code, bank account number, cheque number and the amount, plus some control indicator. MICR readers is used by character recognition technology to scan the information into data collection device. It can also be read by humans. The information is not encoded like bar codes.
SWIFT Code ISO 9362 is unique code for identifying particular bank. It stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. It is also known as SWIFT-BIC, BIC code, SWIFT ID or SWIFT code. This code is used in both financial and non-financial institutions It is used to transfer money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers and to exchange of messages between banks. The SWIFT code can be registered with Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication which located in La Hulpe, Belgium.
There are around 7500 active SWIFT codes and 10000 passive SWIFT codes in the world. The active SWIFT codes are connected to SWIFT network. The passive SWIFT codes are used for manual transactions.