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Bank type: Regional Rural Banks
Also Known as: Not Specified
Founded: Not Specified
Contact: Not Specified
Fax: Not Specified
Email: Not Specified
Working hours: Not Specified
Official Website:
Net Banking:
Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank has around 0 branches and 0 ATMs in India. Below here is the list of states in India where Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank has its branches and ATMs. You can click on below states to find out list of Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank branches in that state. You can also find bank branches, branch location, bank contact info, ATMs locations, IFSC codes, MICR codes, Swift codes of Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank.
Sorry, We have no records of ATMs for Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank.
Sorry, We have no records of ATMs for Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank.
Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank provides banking products and services as follows
Not Specified
You can watch Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank videos below
Key People: Not Specified
Head Office:
Muzzafarpur, Bihar
Number of Employees: Not Specified
Assets (Rs.): Not Specified
Revenue (Rs.): Not Specified
Net Income (Rs.): Not Specified