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Bank Name: Kotak Mahindra Bank
Branch Name The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Jalgaon
Branch Code : Not Specified
Contact Person : Not Specified
Swift Code : Not Specified
Address : The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd, 2- Visanji Nagar, Near Golani Market, Jalgaon (dist- Jalgaon)
City : Jalgaon
District Jalgaon
State Maharashtra
Email :
Contact : 257
Toll-free Number : 1800-22-6022
Customer Care : Not Specified
Official Website

Kotak Mahindra Bank, The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Jalgaon branch is located at Jalgaon in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra. IFSC Code of Kotak Mahindra Bank, The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Jalgaon branch, Jalgaon is KKBK0UCB001. The MICR Code of Kotak Mahindra Bank, The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Jalgaon branch, Jalgaon is WAITING. The SWIFT Code of Kotak Mahindra Bank, The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Jalgaon branch, Jalgaon is Not Specified. You can contact Kotak Mahindra Bank, The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Jalgaon branch, Jalgaon by email or by phone.

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Kotak Mahindra Bank Branches near Jalgaon, Jalgaon, Maharashtra

No. Branch State IFSC Code

The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Chopda Branch, Chopda

Maharashtra KKBK0UCB502

Kusumbe Khurd Branch Branch, Jalgaon

Maharashtra KKBK0001983

Paldhi Kh Branch Branch, Dharangaon

Maharashtra KKBK0002009

Shirsoli P B Branch Branch, Shirsoli

Maharashtra KKBK0002007

Sakegaon Branch Jalgaon Branch, Jalgaon

Maharashtra KKBK0002004

The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Dharangaon Branch, Dharangaon

Maharashtra KKBK0UCB501

Jalgaon Branch, Jalgaon

Maharashtra KKBK0000697

Shree Mahavir Sahakari Bank Ltd Jalgaon Branch, Jalgaon

Maharashtra KKBK0SMSB01

Chalisgaon Branch Branch, Chalisgaon

Maharashtra KKBK0002030

Nanded Branch, Nanded

Maharashtra KKBK0002037

The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Parola Branch, Parola

Maharashtra KKBK0UCB503

Neri Bk Branch Jalgaon Branch, Jalgaon

Maharashtra KKBK0002005

Godavari Laxmi Co-op Bank Ltd, Branch Jalgaon Branch, Jalgaon

Maharashtra KKBK0GLCB01

Jalgaon Branch, Jalgaon

Maharashtra KKBK0002036


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